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Japanese man spends $14,000 to transform into ‘human dog’, wants to imitate other animals

  • October 5, 2024
  • 2 min read
Japanese man spends $14,000 to transform into ‘human dog’, wants to imitate other animals

If one had spent a sweet $10,000 on a handbag or jewelry, it would have rather gone unnoticed, but buying a realistic dog costume to start living as a dog in society? That’s a weird headline, of course. But, according to a ‘New York Post’ report, something like this indeed happened as a Japanese man shelled out more than $14,000 to purchase a very realistic dog costume so that he could become a border collie and start imitating the life and challenges of a dog in the real world.

According to reports, Toco, the Human Collie is now considering imitating other animals as well after donning the costume of a hyper-realistic dog. Dog imitation is quite tough for humans, claims Toco.

According to Toco, humans have largely different bone structures and movement patterns than dogs due to the other build of their legs and arms, so it is very tough to imitate a dog’s movements accurately.

Another kind of animal, a bear or a panda, could be viable options for Toco as they may have similar movement patterns to humans. However, animals like foxes or cats would be difficult to imitate due to their smaller size than average humans, says the ‘New York Post’.

More animal imitations in the future?

It has not yet been revealed whether Toco has plans to imitate other kinds of animals in the kingdom as of now, but there are chances of the same. Meanwhile, he has shared all his experiences around living as a dog on his YouTube channel named ‘I want to be an animal’, which has received admiration as well as severe hate around the content.


1. What is the name of the man who is trying to live as a dog?

A Japanese man named Toco is trying to live as a dog by wearing a hyper-realistic costume of a border collie by spending a whopping $14,000.

2. What is the cost of the costume worn by Toco?

According to reports, Toco, the human collie, wears a hyper-realistic costume of a dog that costs $14,000. Toco wears this to live the life of a dog.

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